, pub-3802213282599580, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Christmas In July Savings Hop 2024
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Christmas In July Savings Hop 2024

Updated: 6 hours ago

It's that time of year again! Another July, another Christmas Savings Hop full of discounted crochet patterns to get you ready to start stocking up on all those gifts and craft show stock for the holiday season.

Christmas In July Savings Hop 2024 promo pic

This year we are grateful to be featuring some super amazing designers who have discounted their amazing patterns to only $1.50 just for you on their featured day!

CIJ Savings Hop Designers

How does it work?

Pop back here to this "main blog post" daily and follow steps 2-5 below to get the daily deal....

CIJ Savings Hop How To Instructions

Or SIGN IN to to get email notifications for each, day when the pattern goes live, to go straight to the daily post for the coupon code.



DON'T FORGET to check out this month's


Pattern discounts will be valid for 24 hours beginning at 9am EST on their feature day July 1-25th of 2024.

CIJ Savings Hop Day 1

Snow Couple Scarf

From Malynda's Crafts

Get the Coupon Code Button


Before You Go..................

PLEASE take a minute & Follow Me on social media to see the daily pattern & other stuff going on here!

SIGN IN to receive daily notifications when the featured pattern goes live!

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